The OFE-DSP is a fiber pigtailed compact optical absolute frequency encoder that can measure the optical frequency of tunable lasers or other light sources as a function of time, as well as the optical power as a function of frequency. This device combines a patent pending optical frequency encoder head with analog and DSP circuits to obtain the instantaneous optical frequency of a light source in real time, with a frequency resolution down to a few MHz. The device is ideal for applications involving tunable or swept-frequency lasers, where it can act as a k-clock for the fast Fourier transforms (FFT) of received signals, which is necessary to obtain precise distance or depth information in
applications such as coherence LIDAR for autonomous vehicles, OFDR based distributed measurement and sensing, and optical coherence tomography (OCT). The device can also be used as an interrogator for fiber Bragg grating (FBG) based sensor systems to obtain temperature, strain, or acoustic information. Another important application is for precise laser frequency control, such as linearizing the rate of laser frequency tuning or simply stabilizing the laser frequency. ChirpRiteTM, a breakthrough in dynamic optical frequency monitoring and analysis.

Wavelength Swept Light Source
Optical Cr Absorption Spectroscopy
FBG Sensor Inteoherence Tomography (OCT)
Tunable serrLaogation
Laser Frequency Control
Key Features
• Compact
• High Frequency Resolution
• Wide Wavelength Range
• Temperature Stable
• Fast Frequency Variation Detection
• Easy Frequency Interpretation
• Laser Phase Noise Insensitive

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