The LWA 7601-C LightWave component Analyzer is a fast and simple-to-use tool for testing passive optical components and modules. The LWA 7601-C measures and analyzes the Insertion Loss (IL) and Return Loss (RL) distribution, as well as length, scanning optical components in either reflection or transmission mode.
Figure 1 : LWA 7601-C LightWave component Analyzer (LWA)
The LWA 7601-C instrument utilizes optical frequency domain reflectometry (OFDR) technology to measure backscattered or transmitted light as a function of distance/time (or wavelength). The extremely high sensitivity and sampling resolution (20 μm) make an ideal analyzer for photonic integrated circuits (PICs) and silicon photonics. When combined with the extended measurement range, up to 500 m measurement range is achieved, making the testing of fiber networks an easy task. The LWA 7601-C reduces the cost and complexity of test while increasing throughput by measuring RL, IL and length in reflection or transmission with a single instrument.
Figure 2 : Measuring in reflection mode, the LWA 7601-C measures return loss versus length. The bottom plot shows the spectral content of the identified reflection event (filter)
• Return loss (RL) and insertion loss (IL) analysis
•Analyze components in reflection and transmission
• Trace distributed RL over length of optical path
• Spectral analysis of RL and IL
• Detect and precisely locate reflective events and measure path length (up to 500 m)
• Speed, resolution and accuracy for optimizing production test
• 20μm sampling resolution
• 12.5 Hz scan/acquisition rate (in 20 m mode)
• Spatial RL testing
• Automated IL test and analysis
•Skew measurement with sub-picosecond resolution
• PLCs, waveguide devices, AWGs, ROADMs, etc.
• Filters, couplers, switches, beam splitters, FBGs, specialty fibers
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